One of the most important elements of an A+ grade paper is the understanding you the student have of these different research papers types and your ability to write each type of paper according to the expected paper format. While the type of research paper is usually stated in the paper requirement information provided by your tutor, there are times when the paper type will be implied rather than directly stated and this is where an accurate interpretation of the paper requirements is so important to a good passing grade. In the paragraphs below are some hints on what may be expected in seven different research paper types, which are:
Journal Features
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC), ISSN 2456-4265 is a Open Access, Fully Refereed and Peer Reviewed International Journal. Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, Online International Journal . IJMEC is published as a Monthly Journal with 12 issues per year. We also host International and National Conferences to publish their research work. IJMEC covers all disciplines including Arts, Science, Commerce, Social-Sciences, Management and Engineering. IJMEC always strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Engineers, Technocrats and Engineering Scholars. Since inception, IJMEC is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles.
IJMEC is an International Journal dedicated to the latest Research. All articles are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately after publication. All submitted articles undergo a fast but rigorous peer-review procedure, with prompt publication. Authors publishing with academic research Journals retain the copyright to their work. Authors have the opportunity to publish short communications, full-length research, reviews. Academic research Journals offers very affordable article-processing fees. We provide worldwide research publications. Our dedicated technical and editorial team members ensure the qualities of the published research articles are high.
We have very reputable and dedicated editorial board members from different academic fields which ensure the quality and review standards according to the international research published articles are provided online with free access to provide the academic community with latest and quality research free.
IJMEC is published as monthly journal with 12 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need. Currently IJMEC is also publishing peer reviewed papers of International and National level conferences conducted by various research and academic institutions.
Authors are invited to submit their research articles, review papers properly formatted as per the author guidelines to online submit or Mail to
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions. All authors must agree on the content of the manuscript and its submission for publication in this journal before it is submitted to us.
Frequency: 12 Issues Per Year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: English Only
Type of Articles: Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Photo Essay