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  • Call for Research Paper, Survey Paper, Research Methodology, Implementation, Results and Analysis–International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research-IJMEC, Processing Fee only INR 1500/- per Article. $50/- Foreign Author, Impact Factor: 7.2
  • Inviting for research paper in various areas of Engineering & Technology, Arts & Social Sciences, Management etc. Processing Fee only INR 1500/- per Article. $50/- Foreign Author, Impact Factor: 7.2
  • IJMEC invites researchers, scholars and authors to submit their original and extended research to publish in peer reviewed International Journal, Processing Fee only INR 1500/- per Article. $50/- Foreign Author
  • Charges INR 1500/- per Article. $50/- Foreign Author
  • Call for Paper Volume 9/Issue 8, August 2024. Processing Fee only INR 1500/- per Article. $50/- Foreign Author
  • Processing Fees 1500/- Indian Author $50/- Foreign Author.
  • Impact Factor: 7.2
  • Publication in 2days.
  • For publication Contact on +91-9885300909 or WhatsApp 091-9885300909



One of the most important elements of an A+ grade paper is the understanding you the student have of these different research papers types and your ability to write each type of paper according to the expected paper format. While the type of research paper is usually stated in the paper requirement information provided by your tutor, there are times when the paper type will be implied rather than directly stated and this is where an accurate interpretation of the paper requirements is so important to a good passing grade. In the paragraphs below are some hints on what may be expected in seven different research paper types, which are:

Argumentative papers

ARGUMENTATIVE PAPERS present two sides of a controversial issue in the one paper. A good argumentative paper will include in-text citations from researchers that present logical facts from both sides of an issue, and will conclude with the author analyzing the pros and cons of each argument. The confusing element of an argumentative paper is that the author is expected to favor one side more than the other on an issue, but the research and analysis must be un-emotive and factual and include both sides of the argument. For example, a student may be asked to complete a paper on “The importance of nature and nurture on a child’s predicted teenage behavior.” The author may believe that either nature or nurture may be more important from their own research on the issue but a good paper on this topic will include information from researchers on both sides of the problem, and even in this case information from researchers that believe both sides are equally important.

Analytical papers

ANALYTICAL PAPERS also include information from a range of sources but the focus on this type of research paper is in analyzing the different viewpoints represented from a factual rather than opinionated standpoint. The author of an analytical paper may focus on the findings, methodology or conclusions of other researchers and will conclude such a paper with a summation of the findings and a suggested framework for further study on the issue.

Definition papers

DEFINITION PAPERS are relatively self-explanatory. They describe a topic from a factual standpoint that is usually devoid of emotion or the opinion of the author. Although the definition research paper will include facts from a variety of sources, this information is left unanalyzed and contains only actual facts found in another’s research paper findings. While a definition paper might be considered difficult to write especially by those students who enjoy discussing issues from their own perspective a good definition paper can provide a valuable information framework for other argumentative or analytical reports on the same topic.

Compare and contrast papers

COMPARE AND CONTRAST PAPERS are often used in literature courses to compare two different authors or stories from a particular genre. However, they can also be required in social sciences to compare two different theoretical viewpoints; in philosophy to compare the thoughts of two philosophical frameworks and even in business studies where different leadership styles could be compared for example. The important part of a compare and contrast paper is that while both elements in the paper need to be described succinctly, the main part of the paper will be the comparison and contrasting examples provided by the author to support a thesis.

Cause and effect papers

CAUSE AND EFFECT PAPERS trace the probable or expected results from a particular action or policy in a logical progression that is easily followed by the reader. Used in business and education fields, in particular, a good cause and effect paper will not only outline the predicted results from the action/situation specified, but also where applicable show the range of results that could arise from this one situation through to its logical conclusion.

Interpretive papers

INTERPRETIVE PAPERS are often required by tutors in literature, humanities, and social sciences and they require the student to use the theoretical knowledge gained in a course of study to a particular case study example such as a piece of art or a poem in literary fields; a business situation in a management course; or a psychological case profile in either sociology or psychology fields. The key element of an interpretive paper is evidence that the student has written the paper based on an established theoretical framework and has used supporting data to back up the thesis statement and findings of the paper.

Report Papers

REPORTS often follow a memorandum or similar business format and they are often written to outline a case study situation. For example, a report could be commissioned by your tutor to describe the key issues in a workplace scenario – perhaps from a human resources standpoint. The report would include a summary of the situation to date; an identification of the main issue or concern; a breakdown of the elements of this main issue and then recommendations on how to address the issue based on research on the topic. While a comparison essay, for example, will use “If…but” or similar statements, the report will contain short factual sentences devoid of emotion. Reports usually include an executive summary that takes the place of an abstract in this type of research paper, as well as supporting evidence in the form of appendix, graphs, and tables.

Journal Features

  • We promote only authentic and qualitative research work.
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  • Open access e-Journal.
  • Extensive and Experienced board of Editorial and Reviewer Member.
  • Minimum possible Article Processing Charges.
  • Fully Online manuscript submission and processing.
  • Say No to Plagiarism.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC), ISSN 2456-4265 is a Open Access, Fully Refereed and Peer Reviewed International Journal. Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, Online International Journal . IJMEC is published as a Monthly Journal with 12 issues per year. We also host International and National Conferences to publish their research work. IJMEC covers all disciplines including Arts, Science, Commerce, Social-Sciences, Management and Engineering. IJMEC always strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Engineers, Technocrats and Engineering Scholars. Since inception, IJMEC is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles.


IJMEC is an International Journal dedicated to the latest Research. All articles are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately after publication. All submitted articles undergo a fast but rigorous peer-review procedure, with prompt publication. Authors publishing with academic research Journals retain the copyright to their work. Authors have the opportunity to publish short communications, full-length research, reviews. Academic research Journals offers very affordable article-processing fees. We provide worldwide research publications. Our dedicated technical and editorial team members ensure the qualities of the published research articles are high.  

We have very reputable and dedicated editorial board members from different academic fields which ensure the quality and review standards according to the international research published articles are provided online with free access to provide the academic community with latest and quality research free.

IJMEC is published as monthly journal with 12 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need. Currently IJMEC is also publishing peer reviewed papers of International and National level conferences conducted by various research and academic institutions.

Authors are invited to submit their research articles, review papers properly formatted as per the author guidelines to online submit or Mail to  

Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions. All authors must agree on the content of the manuscript and its submission for publication in this journal before it is submitted to us.


Frequency: 12 Issues Per Year

Paper Submission: Throughout the Month

Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary

Accepted Language: English Only

Type of Articles: Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Photo Essay