Call for Papers for the Upcoming Issue.
Last Date of Submission :
Dr. Abdul Hannan Abdul Mannan Shaikh
Department of Computer Science and. Information Technology,
AlBaha University. AlBaha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC), ISSN 2456-4265
Dr. Abdul Wasay Mudasser
Managing Editor,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC), ISSN 2456-4265
Since IJMEC is receiving very good amount of papers for publishing, for that IJMEC is looking for reviewers/Editorial Board/ Governing Body Members.. to help the Editorial Review Board to select high-quality papers. Research scientists who are highly qualified (with a proven publication record) are welcome to join the IJMEC, as a member of the international advisory board or a reviewers/Editorial Board/ Governing Body Members… IJMEC recognizes the value and importance of the peer review of the entire publication process is not only in shaping the individual manuscript, but also in shaping the credibility and reputation of the journal. IJMEC committed to the timely publication of all credible scientifically based manuscripts submitted for publication.
If you think you can fulfill these requirements and are interested to contribute as Journal reviewers/Editorial Board/ Editor in Chief.
We are seeking professionals to join our Editorial Board. You will be entitled following benefits while working with us as an editorial board member of the journal.
Here are the procedures:
Step 1: If you didn’t register before, please Register Application now:
Step 2: Upload your CV and complete the necessary information and submit.
Step 3: Perfect your “Personal Profile” on the left menu.
Any questions, please contact
Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publication process, and as a reviewer you will gain valuable experience in IJMEC publishing. We invite you to become a reviewer of our journal. Some benefits of being a reviewer:
In order to provide a good review, a thoughtful and well-balanced report with suggested improvements for our authors, reviewers must be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate the manuscript thoroughly.
If you are interested in being a reviewer for the journal, please join us via IJMEC online system:
Here are the procedures:
Step 1: If you didn’t register before, please Register Application now:
Step 2: Upload your CV and complete the necessary information and submit.
Step 3: Perfect your “Personal Profile” on the left menu.
Any questions, please contact
Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief:
Benefits of the Editor-in-Chief:
The acceptance of following terms and conditions confirms the appointment as an Editor-in-Chief of journals of IJMEC;
It is expected that the Editor-in-Chief will complete the term as stated. This agreement may be terminated at any time based on following conditions.
Qualification & Requirement
Requirements for a potential reviewer
Requirements for a potential editorial member
Requirements for a potential Editor-in-Chief
You are invited to be a part of IJMEC as a member of editorial board or reviewer and you are requested to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Being on the editorial board or a reviewer of a journal is truly productive, pleasant and in fact prestigious which helps in add-on to the scientific world through the ways and guidelines given by experts in the relevant fields. Though, it is time consuming and often goes unobserved, there are some important rewards that make the editorial board members/reviewers worthwhile. You will be entitled following benefits while working with us as an editorial board member/reviewer of the journal.
We need our editorial board members and reviewers to be key figures in their professions to have some experience of publishing articles. A reviewer’s comment decides the acceptance or rejection of an article so they play an important role in peer review process. All the members are requested to test out the articles submitted to them without any bias to increase the quality of our journals. There is no hard and fast rule to analyse an article and it depends upon the worthiness, quality and originality. While verifying the article, you have to go through following points:
The acceptance of following terms and conditions confirms your appointment as a member on editorial board or reviewer or Editor in Chief.
It is expected that you will complete the term as stated. This agreement may be terminated at any time based on following conditions.
Call for Papers for the Upcoming Issue.
Last Date of Submission :
Hyderabad, Telangana,
ISSN: 2456-4265