Call for Papers for the Upcoming Issue.
Last Date of Submission :
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research-IJMEC, ISSN 2456-4265 (Online) is a leading journal of Engineering Research, Engineering Science, Applied engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Management. IJMEC invites authors for the guest editorship program for improving the journal quality and also sharing the innovative ideas. IJMEC publishing special issues on various domains.
Reviewers play a central role in scholarly publishing. IJMEC uses double-blind peer review process, which means that both the reviewer(s) and author(s) identities are concealed from the reviewer(s), and vice versa, throughout the review process. This means that the reviewer(s) of the paper won’t get to know the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) won’t get to know the identity of the reviewer(s). Peer review helps validate research, establish a method by which it can be evaluated, and increase networking possibilities within research communities. Despite criticisms, peer review is still the only widely accepted method for research validation.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by double blind peer review process which may take minimum 01 to 03 weeks from the date of submission. We are advising to all the author(s), do not submit same paper to the multiple journals. You should wait for review status of paper.
IJMEC is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of fully accepted papers. To maintain a high-quality publication, all submissions undergo a rigorous review process. Characteristics of the peer review process are as follows:
IJMEC strictly uses following double blind peer review process:
Call for Papers for the Upcoming Issue.
Last Date of Submission :
Hyderabad, Telangana,
ISSN: 2456-4265