The drone commonly known as Quadcopters are
operated through remote control system to fly independently.
Currently, most of the drones marketed to civilians are rather
simple in that they can only perform one task – typically
surveillance or video recording of some sort. The goal of this
project to build a quadcopter that can accomplish a variety of
practical tasks like fire extinguishing, bridge inspection and
police surveillance. The market for multipurpose drones has the
potential to be expansive once proper FFA regulation is passed.
Aerial drones, like quadcopters, have a largely protective effect
on the users. This project work focuses on the extinguishing of
small fires remotely with the use of a quadcopter to help prevent
injuries to firefighters and potentially even more people, to help
prevent very serious or even fatal accidents incurred by
inspectors when proper safety precautions are not taken while
inspecting bridges, and to help the police and other law
enforcement officers maintain a level of safety when certain
circumstances warrant a possible need for an aerial drone to
provide surveillance of these situations. In this drone we attach
auto fire off (AFO) ball with the help of clamping device which
throw the ball in a fire. Advantage of AFO ball we can easily
carry out ball compared to water.encouraging results.