Artificial Intelligence Usage in Wireless Sensor Network: An Overview


  • Dr. Abdul Wasay Mudasser1 Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Hyderabad, India. Author
  • Dr. Pathan Ahmed Khan2 Associate Professor, Department of CSE, ISL Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. Author


Wireless sensor networks (WSN); Ad hoc networks, Quality of service (QoS); Artificial neural networks (ANN); Routing; Self-Organizing Map (SOM), ubiquitous computing.


Many writers have concentrated their research on wireless sensor networks over the past 10 years. Power
consumption, MAC protocols, self-organizing network algorithms, data aggregation techniques, routing
protocols, QoS management, etc. are just a few of the numerous research topics that have been substantially
studied. The application of artificial intelligence has historically been abandoned because to limitations on
data processing and power consumption. However, in some unique situations, neural network characteristics
may be used to create difficult tasks like path finding. In this research, we compare the performance of
directed diffusion and energy-aware routing, two widely used routing paradigms, with our own routing
method, called SIR, which is innovative in that it is built on the integration of neural networks into each
sensor node. In-depth simulations have been run using our wireless sensor network simulator, OLIMPO, to
examine the effectiveness of the addition of neural networks. Analyzed is a comparison of the outcomes
produced by each routing protocol. The goal of this work is to promote the application of artificial
intelligence methods in wireless sensor nodes.


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How to Cite

Artificial Intelligence Usage in Wireless Sensor Network: An Overview. (2022). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering In Current Research, 7(10), 9-14.