Communication is possible by either framework dependent or free. One of the frameworks free
communications in wireless technology is wireless ad hoc networks. This contains devices that are spread over the
network radio region. When two devices are within radio range of one another, they can communicate with one
another without the use of a third device. If both are not in wireless range of each other, they must rely on other
communication devices for communication. This situation causes the MANET device to act like a router to provide
communication. For this, nodes must have sufficient resources such as buffers, energy, and processors. Energy
resources are one of MANET's limited resources. MANET's primary applications are the military, disaster relief, and
law enforcement. In these applications, resource conservation is a major issue because the device's battery cannot be
recharged or replaced during the mission. A different number of mechanisms at different levels of communication
have been developed for efficient use of energy. Routing is the ultimate way to manage MANET energy resources.
Therefore, various energy-aware routing protocols have been designed and developed by MNAET to manage network
energy during communication. This article explores various energy-efficient routing protocols for MANETs and
evaluates their performance against various performance metrics. This article focuses routing protocols based on the
residual energy of nodes.NS2 stimulator is used to find out network performance. The results gave the way for future
research to develop energy-efficient communications in MANETs to increase network lifetim