Air Cooling is the process of removing heat from a substance under controlled conditions. Air Cooler is a
reversed heat engine or a heat pump which pumps heat from a cold body and delivers it to a hot body. The
substance which works in a heat pump to extract from a cold body and to deliver it to a hot body is called
refrigerant. Air Cooling is an accomplished by various methods, such as the vapor compression system, absorption
system, and steam jet Air Cooling cycle the vapor compression system of Air Cooling cycle. Thermoelectric couples
are solid-state devices capable of generating electrical power from a temperature gradient, known as the Seebeck
effect, or converting electrical energy into a temperature gradient, known as the Peltier effect. To assist the thermal
designer in modeling thermoelectric coolers or peltier modules, standard Bismuth Telluride coolers or modules
manufactured from alternative semiconductor materials. This module of portable solar electric air cooler is being
designed by the modeling software like Catia V5 and thermal analysis is done using Ansys Workbench; the family of
TEC routines provides the designer the ability to model single stage or multi-stage coolers, and calculate valuable
sizing information regarding cooler performance. Solar electricity is the technology of converting sunlight directly
in to electricity. It is based on photo-voltaic or solar modules, which are very reliable and do not require any fuel
or servicing. Solar electric systems are suitable for plenty of sun and are ideal when there is no main electricity.