Scarcity of water has become a predominant problem all over the world. Water plays an
important role in agriculture. With majority of the Indian population dependent on farming for their daily
needs, it’s important to find a solution for scarcity of water. This paper mainly focuses on rain water
harvesting. The secondary objective of this paper is to provide farmers with an option of automating the
irrigation process by equipping him with a smart IOT network which notifies him about the status of his
crop and it also regulates the supply of water to the crops with the help of the per-feed information about
the crops to the processor. Sometimes when there is a thunder storm the farmer will have to come out in
the storm to stop excess rainwater. We intend to solve this problem using a convertible roof which is
controlled by a processor. This will prevent excess rain water from damaging the crops and it will also
protect the crops from hailstorms. During these situations the status quo of the crops is sent to the farmer
through the interne