This project's goal is to show if a computer is on or off. It is a demonstration with three
computers, but it may be expanded to be used in laboratories with more computers. The lab managers often
remind us to turn off the computers when we are ready to leave the room, and it takes a lot of work for them to
make sure every single one is off. Our invention uses LEDs to show whether the system is on or off. The main
components of this project are Arduino, sensors, a Wi-Fi module, and relays.Our plan is to install automatic
doors that need two passkeys to open and shut. If any of the systems are still on, the in-charge is notified as soon
as we input the passkey to shut the door. The doors cannot be opened once the close key has been entered until
the open key has been entered. The doors may be manually opened using the open key once again to manually
switch off the system. Not only may turning off a system save electricity, but it also extends its lifespan.