
  • *Dr. Bhargav Gangadhara. ¹Senior Technical lead/Director, Jack Henry and Associates, USA Author


The present day market deals with speed in delivery of products, customer satisfaction. One thing
which flashes our mind is lead time or cycle time reduction and resource planning for in time manufacturing
and delivering of products to the customers.
Organization is into business of providing the solution to mobile phones. This consists of development team,
Internal testing team, validation team and factory quality check. The testing group has majorly two tasks, one is
testing and the other is to release to downstream user.
While testing one of the problem faced by the group is manually executing all test cases which is reduced with
the aid of an automation tool which replaces the manual testing of mobile phones. Understanding the mobile
model and alternatively writing a code for sanity testing, key press, and key map will help the testing team to
test all the test cases and finally reduce the number of rejection per release. As the number of defects reduce in
first loop itself i.e. at internal testing itself the time, cost and quality involved for further testing is reduced this
will in turn reduce the cycle time .
The next task is resource planning of resources to release to downstream user, which takes a lot of bandwidth of
testing group to upload the document and source code. To predict and optimize overall cycle time of server
based on understanding of upload sequencing and server load and analysis of bottle necks in network .To meet
the current load which will save several million dollars as the server cost is high. 


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How to Cite

LEAD TIME REDUCTION FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT. (2023). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering In Current Research, 8(11), 126-141. https://ijmec.com/index.php/multidisciplinary/article/view/355