The main aim of this project is to detect the human being by using a wi-fi controlled Robot, which
have the sensors that detects the presence of the human being and indicates the presence to user. As it is a
wireless Robot it can be easily mobilized and can be controlled. This can be used to detect terrorists/thief inside the
building. Wi-Fi (Short for Wireless Fidelity) is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency to transmit data
through the air. Wi-Fi has initial speeds of 1mbps to 2mbps. Wi-Fi transmits data in the frequency band of 2.4
GHz. It implements the concept of frequency division multiplexing technology. Range of Wi-Fi technology is
40-300 feet. In this project we use micro controller, which is programmed to control the input and output modules
interfaced to it. The controller makes use of a PIR based input sensor to sense the human being and give us an
alert indication through buzzer. The controlling device of the whole system is a Microcontroller to which Wi-Fi
module, PIR sensor, Buzzer and DC motors are interfaced. We can control the robot using smart phone through
Wi-Fi. When the user press the button on smart phone this data is received the Wi-Fi module which is connected
to the microcontroller. The Microcontroller processes this data and acts accordingly on Robot motors. PIR sensor
is interfaced to the Microcontroller which continuously monitors human presence and intimates to the controller.
The controller alerts through Buzzer if human presence is present.The Microcontroller is programmed using
Embedded C language.