Design And Analysis Of Commerical Builiding Using Etabs G+5
In this Commercial building we are doing G+5 office building. It consists of 4
floors. A four stored office building having a regular layout and which can be divided in to a
number of similar vertical plane frames has been considered in this project to illustrate the
analysis and design of a rigid jointed plane
Structural planning, Estimation of load, Analysis of structure, Member design, Drawing,
Preparation of schedules. Structural planning: Involves determination of Form of the structure,
Material of the structure, Structural system, Layout of components, Method of analysis,
Philosophy of structural design. In Estimation of loads we are taking dead loads, live loads
according to code IS: 875 To Analysis the structure we are using ETABS. Member design:
Slabs, Beams, Columns, Footings. Designing process is doing by the Limit state method &
Analysis is by using ETABS.Condition of a structure just before failure is called Limit state
method. The structure should have same load carrying capacity, serviceability throughout the life