A Review Article On Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC)
Van Deemter equation, sensitivity, resolution, selectivity, solvent consumptionAbstract
UPLC is among the newest developments in liquid
chromatography. Ultra Performance Liquid
Chromatography is referred to as UPLC. It
significantly alters the analysis's sensitivity and
speed. Compared to HPLC, its equipment can
function at a higher pressure. The ideas and
principles of chromatography are covered in this
review, along with a comparison of UPLC and
HPLC and a list of advanced features. Examples of
some of the more current uses of UPLC are also
provided here. The chemical and pharmaceutical
industries want to increase drug research's
effectiveness while achieving better detection,
resolution, sensitivity, and selectivity. UPLC, This
goal can be accomplished with a modified HPLC
method that uses high pressure and tiny particles
(less than 2 μm) in the column. Because UPLC,
grounded in the Van Deemter equation that
correlates linear velocity with plate height, offers
benefits such as decreased time and solvent use.
This review focuses on the theory, tools, and uses of
UPLC, which is an enhanced class of HPLC with
better chromatographic performance.