Many people lost their lives in train accidents at rail crossings, mostly as a result of human gate
control and a lack of automation. This project highlights the need for using an intelligent automated railway
gate control system to prevent accidents at rail crossing gates (a 100% safety guarantee) by showcasing its
high (about 100%) accuracy and precision in operation. The system is built to regulate the gate without the
assistance of a human or any other external force. Two IR sensors are employed at both far end positions to
detect the Rail approach near the Crossing Gate. In the standby and working (gate opening or shutting)
states, the system needed 24 ma, 4.824 A current, and 0.288 W, respectively. The buzzer, however, used just
14.17 mA current while the siren and traffic light indicated the matching condition to alert oncoming traffic.
For system design and simulation, "Proteus ISIS 7.7 professional" is used, while "Code Vision AVR v2.5
professional" is used to develop the programme code and burn the ATmega16 microcontroller. The transient
reaction and system behaviour, which are superposed to the goal of this project at a very high degree of
affectivity, are plotted out using the built-in oscilloscope.