Resuscitator is an apparatus used to restore respiration, generally used to force the oxygen/air in to the
lungs of a patient who is not breathing properly. When a person is not breathing properly due to the lung problem,
the heart beats of that person will be lowered and may cause serious illness and this is called Bradycardia in medical
science. If any person is suffering from Bradycardia, his/her heart beats may fall to less than 50 times a minute and it
can be a serious problem by which the heart can't pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the body. If this happens, the
patient may fall in coma or short of breath. In such condition, it is essential to pump the oxygen forcibly in to the
lungs through this operates called Resuscitator. In this project work, the heart rate or pulse rate is monitored
continuously through a pulse rate sensor, if the pulse rate falls less than 40, immediately the Resuscitator mechanism
will be activated automatically and air will be pumped in to the lungs to rescue the life of patient. This automatic
self-inflating resuscitator enables assisted ventilation of patients requiring total or intermittent ventilatory support.
Manual resuscitation is a form of artificial respiration that uses a breathing bag (manual resuscitator) to assist
patients with breathing. It is usually used when the lungs are not functioning properly. If support is not available in
critical condition, than the patient may die due to the poor blood circulation occurred due to the low pulse rate and
there by this automatic resuscitator system is designed. The heart rate monitor designed here is intended to measure
the blood flow cycles through our finger tips, for this purpose IR sensors are used to detect the blood flow through
finger tips. These sensors wired with LM358 can generate pulses according to the blood flow. LM 358 is high gain
duel op-amp and its output is fed to the embedded system constructed with 89c51 microcontroller chip. Now this
controller chip is programmed to measure and display the heart rate through LCD. Since the healthy heart beats will
be more than 60, here the system is programmed to energize the air pumping mechanism automatically when pulse
rate falls less than 40. LCD is used to display the pulse rate per minute. DC motor is used to activate the air pumping